The Purpose & Meaning of Your Life: Finding It, Fulfilling It, Enjoying It

Purpose and Meaning

Some people spend a lifetime searching for meaning in their lives. The reason it takes them so long is they are looking in all the wrong places. Why is the purpose of your life important? When you know what your purpose is your life feels better–that sense of emptiness that plagues so many…the feeling of “Is this all there is?” disappears.

Work, even the same work, can feel more fulfilling when you align with your purpose. Your confidence increases because you know when you’re moving in the direction that will fulfill your purpose.

Life is more fun. You feel sure and stop second guessing yourself about decisions.

The author is a human thriving expert who helps individuals thrive more in every area of life. One area she has discovered helps individuals progress faster toward where they want to be, almost as if they are traveling on a moving walkway, with every step giving them additional momentum toward their personal goals is identifying their purpose and the meaning of their life. This book is designed to enable you to gain that advantage in your own life.

It does not take a journey to a wise man or years of meditative silence to know, for sure, your own personal purpose and meaning.

The Purpose & Meaning of Your Life will be published in 2015. Sign up for our newsletter for updates and to be among the first to know when it is available.

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