My Story

Imagine living the life of your dreams…traveling when and where you want, having a partner who continually surprises you by being even better than you ever imagined, loving relationships with family and close friends, freedom in your schedule to work and play on your own schedule.

And feel comfortable and secure that the bottom is not ever going to fall out of your world.

That is pretty much my life. I’m The Human Thriving Expert.

I’m Jeanine Joy, Founder and CEO of Happiness 1st Institute, published author, and woman on a mission.

Sometimes people tell me they are jealous of my life. Don’t do that. It isn’t good for you. Seriously.

Use my life to know your life can exceed your wildest dreams. Mine has and still continues to improve.

It is not luck.

It is understanding what causes human thriving and applying the techniques in your own life.

If I can do it, anyone can.

My life has not always been great. There were many times, years even, when few Americans would have traded places with me.

I say Americans because I, mostly, always had enough food to eat so there would be people in other places who might have always been willing to trade. But there were often parts no one would have wanted to trade with—not for a million dollars.

Today it is common for people to tell me, “I want your life.”

I tell them they can have their own.

My dreams and desires are different from their dreams and desires. That is one of the neatest things about life–we each get to choose what thrills us.

The same techniques I have mastered allow others to achieve their dreams. Not my dreams..their dreams.

It does not matter if someone is the President of a Bank, a respected college professor, a police officer, or a student living in the wrong part of town, the techniques I teach help them thrive more–more than they have ever dreamed possible if they apply themselves.

Let’s face it. It doesn’t matter if you’re chronically depressed or frequently happy, there is always a greater degree of thriving desired.

That is the mantra of humanity–more. Many people will attempt to teach you not to want so you don’t feel the disappointment of not receiving. They might as well attempt to teach you to live without breathing. There is nothing wrong with wanting more. It is who and what we are. It is part of our nature. I don’t fight Mother Nature.

Our desire for more is not the problem. It is the lack of belief that we can have more, the belief that our achievements somehow deprive others, and the lack of trust in ourselves that defeats us–that makes wanting feel painful.

More does not have to mean more stuff although it can. More can mean more love given. It can mean more love received.

It can mean the ability to do more to make the world better. That is the one that lights my fire the most.

It was not always. In fact, it was not on my radar until I learned how to take care of my basic needs first.

Guess what? I have since learned that is what happens. When we take care of our basic needs, put our oxygen mask on first so to speak, our attention soon turns to others. The better off we are, if we have a true inner sense of contentment, the more we want others to have the same. We become far better for the world than we ever were when we felt discontented.

Later I realized something else. The atrocities that fill the new reels, happy people are not committing those acts.

Think about that.

It is not about whether they are good or bad, it is about whether they are happy or not.


Kind of makes happiness a bigger priority, eh?

It definitely does for me.

There is a lot more.

I teach classes, often large groups at a time. It makes it far more cost effective for students, but it also means I do not always know the difference I make in individual lives. I know I make a difference. I receive enough feedback to have just a glimmer of how much difference. Many of the stories bring tears of gratitude to my eyes and chill bumps of affirmation to my entire body.

The Mother who told me her high school age son would have killed himself, if not for what he learned from my program. Not only did his outlook on life change, he opened up lines of communication that ensure he won’t ever feel that alone again. That was not the first suicide averted, but it was the youngest I am aware of personally.

Many say I have made great sacrifices to pursue my passion to share what I’ve learned with the world. I don’t feel that way. Once I fully understood this knowledge, there was nothing that could stop me from this path. That one young life saved more than makes up for any sacrifice.

The techniques have been effective at eradicating chronic depression, healing all sorts of relationships, empowering a greater belief in self, improved health, and so much more.

Make a list of things you think of when you think of a human who is thriving. I’d pretty much bet the techniques help everything on the list.

How are they so powerful? It is because they go to the root cause of thriving, not just symptoms.

I don’t teach techniques that work in isolated situations. I teach the underlying reason techniques work with the technique so students can modify them to their unique circumstances.

It is never too late to have a fabulous life. Do you know how old George Burns was when he started acting?

You’re never too young, either.

Do you want your children to thrive, moving effortlessly through school without all the trauma and drama that hinders most? I have a program that helps them do that. It works!

My life and my clients’ lives are continually improving. Yours can too.

Check out the programs we offer and see what lights your fire.

Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. You deserve love, too. Love yourself first and then you will be able to feel the love others flow to you. ♥ Jeanine Joy

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Jeanine,
    Wonderful philosophy. I believe Happiness is a choice & it can be an acquired trait or habit.
    Your post reminded me of a book I had read & reread periodically by DR. Joseph Murphy ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’.

    I am extremely happy to have connected with you!

    1. Tom,
      Thank you for your comments. I am also glad we are connected.
      I read Dr. Murphy’s book as part of my Ph.D. program. It was on the extra curricular reading list and I’m the type that reads it all.

      I agree. Happiness is a choice.

      The trouble most people have making that choice, even when they consciously want to do so, is they don’t know how to overcome the negative voice in their head and other hindrances to their own happiness. Much of what we do is provide tools and knowledge that makes it easy to successfully choose happiness.

      The decades and even centuries that preceded us believed many things that limited the ability to be truly happy and passed those beliefs to their children. Not out of any malice, but because they believed them to be true. We are truly blessed to live during a time when science is able to shed new perspectives on those limiting beliefs, making the path to greater human thriving available to everyone.

      Warm Regards,

      Jeanine Joy

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