About Us

Happiness 1st Institute is a social entrepreneurship organization established in 2011 to share the results of decades of research on human thriving–results that will help us create the world most of humanity only dreams of. It is possible for everyone to thrive more. We know the way.

Our Methods

The tools and techniques we teach have proven to be highly successful for improving emotional, mental, and physical well-being, but they are not meant to replace treatments that have been prescribed by licensed medical and health care professionals. We strive to include clinically proven and research based tools when they provide the best potential for a positive outcome. However, though our work and research and because we understand the root cause of human thriving, we develop or encounter tools that work exceptionally well but have not yet been clinically studied. We do not limit our ability to help our clients achieve their full potential by excluding those methods from our toolbox. And, when something works exceptionally well for clients, we struggle with the ethics of a clinical trial that, by design, withholds information and tools from the control group when we know they could improve a person’s life immediately. We believe there are other ways–including validated tests of depression, well-being, resilience, and other goals that may be administered before and after individuals learn the tools to validate the methodologies we use.

We are very willing to work with researchers who would like to study the results of our techniques and welcome their inquiries.


Although the tools and techniques that I teach have proven to be highly successful for improving emotional, mental and physical balance, they are not meant to replace treatments that have been prescribed by licensed medical and health care professionals.

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