About Us

Our founder asked a big question:

What makes humans thrive?P1020852-002

She learned a lot. She learned she was asking a larger question than most researchers. Most research questions go along these lines:

  • What happens neurologically when someone does this or feels this way?
  • What happens to the bodies biochemistry when this happens?
  • Why does someone develop (type) cancer?
  • Are blueberries good for our body?
  • Does this drug have a beneficial affect on this illness?

You get the drift. They don’t connect the pieces. The puzzle does not make sense.

What makes humans thrive?

It was a bigger question than most. But, she learned something else–something that is commonly said–that we get the answers to the questions we ask.

Be careful what you ask for is even a common expression, because you tend to get what you ask for.

Because it is a broad question, she was not limited to a single branch of science. She read anything and everything she could get her eyes on–year after year.

After more than a decade, pieces of the puzzle were forming a pattern…a trail of breadcrumbs. She began moving faster in her understanding of the answer. The world began making more and more sense. She began understanding the root cause of undesirable things–illness, crime, addictions, and more.

Whole Picture

When it all made sense, when the puzzle was complete, she founded Happiness 1st Institute to share her findings with the world.

She greatly appreciates those who asked the smaller questions–they all contributed pieces to her understanding of the big picture. Without their work she could not share the big picture. They provide a firm foundation–a foundation that will allow humanity to move forward in healthier, more loving, and peaceful ways.

In the end, she understands they are all big questions because one missing piece would leave the puzzle incomplete.

Once she had the solutions, she also understood that one package would not work for everyone she hopes will benefit from this knowledge. We are all wonderfully different. One difference is the flavor we prefer for new knowledge. About five years ago she began asking, “How can I help the most people possible?” She decided if she had three flavors, she would be able to help the most people. Sort of like ice cream parlors might have vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. She has built bridges from common beliefs about health, relationships, success, and well-being in those three flavors–scientific, religious, and spiritual. Each has its own bridge–each stands on its own merits.

No one has to take an uncomfortable bridge to the new information and they don’t have to agree with the path any of the other bridges take–they all end up with the same beneficial knowledge and skills. 

She has posted many infographics on this site to help explain the keys to human thriving. For more detailed information, her latest book, TRUE Prevention–Optimum Health: Remember Galileo is helpful.

She offers training programs to individuals and organizations to help them develop the skills that will help them thrive.

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