Positivity increase our intelligence

Happiness Improves SAT Scores

Positive moods and attitudes literally makes us smarter. Save thousands in college tuition by fostering the skills, knowledge, and environment that is conducive to the highest possible performance in school and on SAT and ACT exams. At the same time increase resilience and decrease the affect of unhealthy peer pressure and the risk of bullying. We live in a time when we can do more for our children than ever before. Even health improves with a positive mood. Negativity impairs immune function.

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My Story

Imagine living the life of your dreams…traveling when and where you want, having a partner who continually surprises you by being even better than you ever imagined, loving relationships with family and close friends, freedom in your schedule to work and play on your own schedule. And feel comfortable and secure that the bottom is not ever going to fall out of your world. That is pretty much my life. I’m The Human Thriving Expert. I’m Jeanine Joy, Founder and CEO of Happiness 1st Institute, published author, and woman on a mission. Sometimes people tell me they are jealous of my life. Don’t do that. It isn’t good for you. …..

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Which path are you on?


Please go to the following sites for more of our blogs www.Happiness1st.com This site, Happiness 1st, focuses on the benefits of increased positivity and optimism. There is a lot of great information posted behind the tabs including citations to science that demonstrates without a doubt that happiness contributes to great relationships, good health, success, and much more. Many people have been taught they have to earn happiness by achieving these things and then they can be happy. That concept is outdated and was based on false premises that are now scientifically proven wrong–really wrong. Check it out. What you learn may change your life in ways you’ve never dreamed were …..

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