Programs for Religious and Spiritual Organizations

 Our programs are suitable for all religious and spiritual beliefs. We can modify the way information is communicated to maintain consistency with different worldview’s. Our Founder has researched the scientifically based tenets of human thriving in six major religions and found a basis of support in each of the religions. Because of this research, we are able to deliver the knowledge in ways that are consistent with the organization.


We understand the importance of helping members of the organization thrive more in every area of life while maintaining stability in ones faith.  We can teach all aspects of our programs without delving into either religion or spirituality because science has recently established key pieces that were absent in years past. 

But we realize that individuals prefer to receive new ideas in ways that relate to their worldview and for many that means with a religious or spiritual basis. We are delighted to have built strong bridges to the basis of human thriving from so many perspectives.

We are able to create programs al a carte so if your organization has special needs or requirements please let us know. We can modify the program to suit your needs.

When the organization provides the venue, significant discounts can be provided.

In addition to the programs listed below, we have some social programs that may be of interest and are in the development stages of a Diversity Appreciation Program and a Peace Rally (not an anti-war rally) program that will be available (in limited quantities) at cost.

We also offer limited sessions of two programs locally FREE. We are also willing to provide those two  program FREE outside our area if we are in your area for another reason and our schedule permits us to accommodate a session. 

At Happiness 1st Institute our primary goal is to create a better world for everyone.

The links below take you to .pdf documents that describe the programs in greater detail.

Programs for Religious Organizations

Programs for SpiritualGroups

Open Heart Meditation  (FREE)

Peaceful co-existence (FREE)

Programs for Veterans

Single Again – Transitions

Understanding Your Emotional Guidance V2

Grief Relief – Transitions

Your Life’s Purpose

Depression Relief without Rx V2

Is Your Anger Limiting Your Life

Programs for Victims

Root Cause Relief for Drugs and Alcohol

Pain Management

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