When Only You Can Prevent Suicide

When Only You Can Prevent Suicide

Every forty seconds someone in the world dies from suicide. There are far more who attempt suicide than those who die from their attempts. The suicide rate has increased 60% during my lifetime.

Although there are suicide hotlines and emergency help may be available, sometimes the circumstances do not make these viable options.

What would you do if someone you cared about (or even a stranger) communicated that they were in imminent danger of committing suicide and you did not believe help from another source could arrive in time to stop it? Would you know what to do or say to give yourself the best chance of the best possible outcome?

When Only You Can Prevent Suicide was written to help you understand how to know what to do. It is CPR for suicide intentions. When Only You Can Prevent Suicide is based on successful real-life suicides averted and scientific research, but written with practical applications anyone can use if they ever find themselves in that situation.

The same tools that can help you avert a suicide can help someone who is depressed or considering suicide move back from that ledge onto more solid ground.

This book will be released in paperback in November 2014 and I will be giving away 10,000 electronic copies shortly thereafter. Sign-up for our newsletter to be the first to be notified when the giveaway begins.

Information on the book giveaway has now been posted here: https://www.happiness1st.com/free-life-enhancing-book-can-prevent-suicide-transformative-empowering-processes-provide-better-way-prevent-suicide/

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