Positive Attitudes and Open Minds Lead to Upward Spirals

 An open mind and positive mindset create for individuals an ability to see more possibilities. This helps build resiliency. When a problem is encountered, the ability to see various possible solutions creates an expectation that future problems will be solvable as well. The increasing level of expectation and openness to solutions causes increasing levels of positivity. A corresponding increase in trust, not just in oneself, but in others, occurs as the upward spiral of positivity continues.

How does one create upward spirals?  He or she trains his or her mind to think with a bias in favor of positive outcomes. Our classes teach you how to do this, providing skills, tools and the knowlege necessary to be successful.


Fredrickson, B. L. , and T. Joiner (2002), “Positive emotions trigger upward spirals toward emotional well-being,” Psychological Science 13: 172-75

Burns, A. B. , J. S. Brown, et al. (2008), “Upward spirals of positive emotion and coping: Replication, extension, and initial exploration of neurochemical substrates,” personality and Individual Differences 44: 360 – 70

Tags: Upward spirals, open minds, coping, resiliency

Happiness 1st Institute takes the best information from a variety of disciplines including Positive Psychology, neuroscience, quantum physics, emotional intelligence and ancient philosophies to create courses that provide skills and tools individuals can use to make themselves happier, more optimistic, more resilient and more emotionally intelligent.

Visit our website today for more information and to enroll.

www. happiness1st. com

© Jeanine Joy 2011 – 2014